January and February 2017

Cate Concannon

    Cate Concannon is being recognized as the January-February para-professional for our Geneseo Parish Outreach Center.
Her specific area of expertise is serving as the coordinator for preparing our Facebook page. Her role is to promote our organization through social media, and to, hopefully, reach potential clients, volunteers, and donors.
   Cate's postings also promote activities and events which support this program, including benefit concerts, walk-a-thongs, foot checks, and diabetic dinners.
She also uses photos on our Facebook page which garner "likes" and "shares" as she profiles the work being done by the POC volunteer staff members.
It's a modern way to upgrade our center's information, which she usually posts in the mornings, for a more complete way of telling the story and mission of the GPOC.
   Cate is employed at the University of Rochester's Center for Community Public Health Surveillance division. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and anything "outdoors," including hiking and kayaking, as well as traveling with her husband David Matthews. She is delighted to highlight news of, and for, the POC, as one of its many volunteers.
    We applaud Cate's Facebook expertise and her willingness to share her skills and talents with us. Thank you for your time, energy, and good will, Cate.